• Calendar June 20th
  • Clock 14.00 - 18.00 CEST
  • Clock Mendix Headquarter

AI @ Your Fingertips

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Build Smart Apps, Build Apps Smarter

In recent years, the landscape of software development has witnessed a paradigm shift towards low-code platforms. Concurrently, the integration of analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) into business processes has become prominent for organizations seeking to derive actionable insights and drive intelligent decision-making.
This event explores the synergistic relationship between low-code application development and analytics and AI, proposing a comprehensive approach that combines these technologies to streamline the entire software development lifecycle.
By leveraging low-code development platforms, organizations can rapidly build and deploy applications without years of training. Integrating analytics and AI capabilities into these applications enhances their functionality by enabling real-time data analysis, predictive modeling, and intelligent automation.
Through a case study and practical examples, we will demonstrate how organizations can benefit from both: low-code and AI.

Join us on June 20th at the Mendix HQ in Rotterdam to hear more about how organizations can benefit from combining low-code and AI to get new insights, make better decisions and to put these into action.

You will hear real-life recommendations, such as how to tackle “the battle for talent” and other examples that will inspire you to apply this approach to your owns situation.  

  • 14.00 Welcome by SAS & AI by CSM, Mariken Reijs
  • 14.15 Introduction to SAS & AI, including demo, by Edwin van Unen, Principal Analytics Consultant at SAS
  • 14.45 An Introduction to Mendix & AI, including demo, by Field CTO Menno Odijk
  • 15.15 Break
  • 15.45 Richard Stegmeijer, Senior Solution Software Engineer at PostNL about their AI-enabled applications
  • 16.15 Ethical Considerations & AI by Véronique van Vlasselaer, Data & Decision Scientist, Analytics & AI Lead, SAS SWEE
  • 16.40 Q&A
  • 17.00 Networking Drinks

Get ready for a groundbreaking convergence of two titans in the tech world – SAS and Mendix!

Don’t ponder any longer what AI could mean for you. This session will help you understand how to take control of AI today! 

Please note: these events are co-hosted in partnership with SAS. Both SAS and Mendix are collecting your personal data when you submit such information as part of the registration process  for the purpose of organizing these events. The information you provide will be treated in accordance with SAS privacy policy and Mendix privacy policy.

Mendix Headquarter